MMS - Music/Pictures Shares

MMS - Music/Pictures Shares

The MMS includes a two shared folders.

(1) A "Pictures" share for photos

By default, the Pictures share includes sample photos which may be removed if desired. 

(2) A "Music" share for music files.

The Music share can be used to copy content without the use of our synchronization client.  Music placed in this folder can be managed by you (including adding, renaming or deleting files).

Content stored in these shares is detected by the server within a minute, updating the internal database.

To access these shares from Windows:

  1. Open My Computer

  1. In the address bar, enter the server name or IP address as "\\SERVERNAME" or "\\IPAddress" (e.g. \\MIRAGE-1,  \\MMS-2, \\  Check the DealerZone for help in detecting an MMS on your local network.  

  1. Open either the Pictures or Music share.

  1. Copy and paste the content to the appropriate share 

To access these shares from Mac:

  1. From Finder, open the Go menu

2.Select Connect to Server....

3.In the server address field, enter the server name or IP address as "smb://SERVERNAME" or "smb://IPAddress" (e.g. smb://MIRAGE-1,  smb://MMS-2, smb:// If you are having trouble connecting to the device with the server name, try the IP address of the system.  Check the DealerZone for help in detecting an MMS on your local network.  

  1. If prompted for credentials, please select the Guest option

  1. Open either the Pictures or Music share.

  1. Copy and paste the content to the appropriate share 


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