Compatible Devices
Version History
Quick Start
To quickly setup a system, follow these steps:
Add the driver for use in the URC Total Control environment.
Enter the IP address of one of the Mirage amplifiers in the system
Ensure that the drivers are bound properly according to the Configuration
section below.
The Autonomic Controls URC amplifier driver allows for convenient programming of all models of the Mirage amplifiers in the URC Total Control System environment. In addition to physical mirage amplifiers these modules will integrate the output stage of m-series products in matrix mode.
The Autonomic Mirage Amplifier system offers up to 32 zones of audio in a Total Control environment using one or more mirage amplifiers.
This manual will cover both version 1.3 designed for Accelerator 1 and version 2.0, designed for Accelerator 2 and 3. Both modules are functionally equivalent.
There are two drivers included for both versions. "A-series Amps" desgned for systems where amps are configured for hardwired connections with the MMS and "E-series amps" designed for systems configured for e-audio.
The mirage amplifier driver integrates fully in the URC Total Control system. It offers functionality for each output zone including event triggers and queries of key properties. In addition, select amplifiers can play content directly from Autonomic MMS servers over the TCP-IP network.
The latest URC Accelerator software is available from the URC Dealer Portal for authorized URC dealers. If you’re not an authorized dealer, please contact URC:
All control modules are available for download on any of our product pages at under the “Documents” tab or at (login required).
To download the URC Module Suite, simply click on the link labeled Autonomic URC Module to start the download of the zip file.
• TCM file: contains one-way driver and two-way module
• URC Accelerator software
• Total Control System Hardware
• Mirage Amplifier
Note: The following steps illustrate a basic configuration of URC Total Control System for Autonomic Amplifiers. For more details or advanced setups, please refer to URC Documentation.
Note: The Manual shows setup steps in Accelerator 3. Features and locations in Accelerator 1 and 2 can differ slightly. Refer to URC documentation for further information.
Import Module
Open the URC Accelerator software. Go to File tab > Import TCM Files. This will open a browse dialog box. Navigate to the location where the .tcm file is saved and click on Open to import the file.
Important: Please restart the URC Accelerator software by closing and re-launching it.
Basic Accelerator Setup
On relaunching the URC Accelerator software, set up a new project by going to File tab > New.
Follow the New File Wizard and enter System Name, Select the primary controller model, controller location, select time zone and select a location for weather data.
The Add Rooms tab will open under Program. Add additional rooms depending on your setup.
URC Devices
Go to Add URC Devices. This is for adding the existing URC Total Control devices. Select the room in the Current Room menu on the left. Double-click gon a device, or click on Add to Room button on top left to add a device. For some devices, a dialog box opens up showing advanced settings for the device. Unless advanced setup is needed, leave default options selected and click on Apply.
Other Devices
Go to Add Other Devices.
In the left pane under Select Room, select the desired room to add the device to.
In Select Database, choose My.
In Select Module Type, choose IP Database.
In Select Category, choose AVRs and Amplifiers.
In Select Brand pane, choose Autonomic.
In Select Model pane, choose A-Series Amps (v2) or E-Series Amps (v2) to add one at a time.
Note: One instance of the driver can run an amplifier system up to 32 zones.
Tip (Accelerator 1): If a display is connected, the MRX-20 gets stuck on loading screen when a new project is pushed. To resolve this, a monitor needs to be added to the project. This can be added to any room. In Add Other Devices, pick Database: URC > IR Database > TV Category > and select a monitor from any brand (for instance, Samsung if you have a Samsung monitor) > pick any model, and add to project. Rename the device to Monitor for easy recognition. See step 7 for configuring this monitor input.
Network Setup
Go to Network Setup. This section configures both URC and non-URC devices (in this case, Mirage Amplifier) with the current network address. As a prerequisite, ensure all the devices are on the network with desired static or DHCP configuration.
Click on tab URC Device. This will show all the currently added URC devices in the project in the left pane. In this pane, click on the device you want to configure the IP address for. Then click on the Refresh button. This might take a small amount of time, after which it will show you the discovered URC devices on the current network of currently selected type in the right pane. Pick the device in the right pane with the correct IP address. Then click on Assign button. If the devices are not discovered, please ensure the actual device is on the network and is switched on. Alternatively, you can also manually enter the MAC address and IP addresses of your devices in the left pane.
Click on tab Non URC Device. This will show all the currently added non-URC devices in the project in the left pane. If you previously added Mirage Amplifier to a room, its instance(s) should show up in the left pane. Enter the IP Address for the amplifier in the IP Address field. Port field should already be filled with value 17037.
Inputs and Outputs
Here, available outputs of the amps can be assigned to inputs of another device (only if those devices have already been added to the project). The available devices can be selected from Select Device with Inputs drop-down. Drag the outputs from right pane to the left pane next to desired input of currently selected device. Outputs assigned by accident can be deleted by using the Delete Selected button. Next, click on Zone Assignment. Here, the outputs can be assigned to different rooms.
Note: For e-series amps remote source assignment can be managed using the procedure on page 9.
In Select Device with Outputs in the left pane, choose Mirage Amplifier. Next, from the right pane, drag the desired unassigned room to the appropriate amp output on the left pane.
Note: The following procedures are only valid for setups that include e-series and m-series amplifiers
Initiate playback for all sources that will be used in URC in one of the zones from the WebUI of the MMS.
Go to the configuration page for each MMS. Look for the ID or serial number depending on the server model on the Firmware tab under license. This is usually a 32 character hexadecimal string separated by dashes.
Note: This value will be used to identify the MMS on the amplifiers.Go to the configuration WebUI for any amplifier in the stack. Configured remote sources are on the sources tab on the bottom right under Assigned Sources.
Players on MMS are automatically added to the list when played. Players are identified by Device: Mirage Media Server. The Player's default name is shown under Source. In cases where several are in the stack, hovering over the panel shows the license ID to identify the MMS. Record the source number.
Physical input sources on the amplifiers that have not been assigned are available on the left in Available Sources. Drag the source from Available Sources to Assigned Sources to use them with Total Control. Record the source number.
User Interfaces
Go to Edit User Interfaces tab. Generate Menus & Devices is selected. Advanced options can be edited through the Advanced button. With default options selected, click on Accelerate button. You can choose to leave the existing menus unchanged or erase all menus. If unsure, leave the default option selected and click OK. Click on OK button on the Complete Notification dialog box.
The Edit Menus by Room tab is displayed next.
Optional: The menus for all rooms for either all devices or individual devices can be edited here. Rooms can be selected in the Selected Room section and device views can be selected in Select View section. On editing a menu, click on Apply to save the changes.
Note: The amps module is placed in the Settings menu by default. (Below image shows sample menu with amps module named to Autonomic Amplifier in the Settings menu).
Optional: Configure the mapping of available amp commands to hard
Go to Edit Device Layouts. This screen allows configuration of commands triggered on hard button presses. On Select Device Layout drop-down menu on the left, select Autonomic Amplifier. In Select View, Universal Layout is selected by default, which means the configuration for all clients is being edited. To edit hard button configuration for only a specific client, you can select the specific device from the drop-down menu here.
All Hard Buttons section shows all hard buttons and their currently assigned commands. Use Previous and Next page buttons to flip through all available hard buttons. Menu Pages section shows commands currently unassigned to any button. To change commands assigned to a hard button, simply drag a command to the new button. You can modify existing commands by dragging from one button to another, or assign new commands by dragging unassigned commands from Menu Pages section to an empty button.
Click on Apply to save changes.
Go to the Macro Editing tab. Leave the default options selected and click on Accelerate. Click on OK on the Complete Notification dialog box.
Optional: For advanced macro editing, refer to URC documentation.
Event Triggers
The driver provides event triggers for power, source, volume and mute status changes programmable per zone. Triggers will execute a URC macro when the programmed condition occurs
In tab Macro Editing under Edit Automation Macros select Device Event from Select Type of Automation Macro and click Add Macro.
In the Device Event Dialog enter the following
A descriptive name for the event in Name
Select the device (Autonomic Amp)
Select the Event rule to base the trigger on
Type in and select the properties for the event that would cause the event to trigger.
Click OK to program the macro.
In the example below the trigger is set for when zone 1 of the amplifier stack is powered on.
Explanation of available Events
Zone Power State Change event:
Parameters: name (example values), type of entry, notes
• Zone (1-32) input field,
• New State (on, off, either) drop down menu, “Either” triggers both when the zone is powered on and off
Zone Volume Change event:
Parameters: name (example values), type of entry, notes
• Zone (1-32), input field
• Operator (any, less than, equals, greater than), drop down,
• Level (0-100), input field, level to compare with the current volume level of the amp
Zone Mute Change event:
Parameters: name (example values), type of entry, notes
• Zone (1-32) input field,
• New State (on, off, either) drop down menu, Either triggers both when the zone is muted and un-muted
Zone Input Change:
Parameters: name (example values), type of entry, notes
• Zone (1-32), input field
• New State (S1-S12, R1-32), drop down, Sx is a physical source. Rx is a remote source (e-stream). Not all amp configurations will have all sources available.
The module provides queries for the power, source, volume and mute status. Each programmed query is saved in a URC variable that can be used to perform conditional programming in URC macros. A query can be programmed to execute in any URC macro.
In any URC macro window, select the 2-way command button highlighted in the following image.
In the 2-way Module Command Dialog enter the following:
A descriptive name for the query in Name
Select the device (Autonomic Amp)
Select the Command to query
Enter the zone to query (1-32)
The Description field will describe the valid return values.
power: 0=OFF, 1=ON
volume: 0-100, -1 = failure
mute: 0=OFF, 1=ON
input: 1-12 (physical inputs), 101-132 (remote sources), 0=error
In case a source is both a physical and remote source a priority drop-down is available in the dialog
Check the box Save the result
Select an existing variable to save the result to in the Variable drop down, or
create a new variable of the correct type as specified after Save the result : right above the drop down.Click OK to program the macro.
The variable is now programmed and can be used for conditional
programming. The variables in Total Control are global and can be used
throughout the system. In the example macro below the variable is evaluated
in the same macro but this is not necessary.
TIP: Tracking changes of a property
Using both the event trigger and 2-way command query, variables can be set
up to always track a specific property, for example in the examples above to
track the power status of zone 1.
Create a device event to trigger for either power state change for zone 1.
Query zone 1 power status in the macro for the device event and save to a variable.
Punch Through
The amplifier's zone output has been set in the AV Inputs & Outputs step, so by default the Punch Through settings are configured to use the zone's volume control for any device in the room.
Note: By default, the Amplifier zone is punch-through for volume, and mute for the whole room setting.
Go to the Download tab. If the accelerator project has not been saved yet, a prompt will be shown to save it now. Click on OK on the next prompt. A download screen will be shown with a list of all URC devices added to the project. This will push the current project to the primary controller and clients. Select the devices you want to download to and click on Download to Select Devices (Direct).
Tip: Occasionally, download fails to select clients like remotes and touchpanels. For instance, the panel drops WiFi if screen is not on or if the remote is not charged. Touch the screen to switch it on, or place the remote on charger and try to download again.
Technical Support
If you require further assistance with configuring the URC Module for the Mirage Amplifiers, please contact Technical Support at (914) 598-1647, option 2, or email
You can also visit the Autonomic Knowledge base ( for trouble-shooting information.
For technical support with the URC Total Control System, please contact URC support at: