Android Application - How to Get logs

Android Application - How to Get logs

To send log files from your Android device, follow these steps.

  1. Reproduce the issue.

  2. Use a file manager like Astro (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.metago.astro) or ES File Explorer (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estrongs.android.pop) to navigate to the root of your SD card. If your device has an internal SD card and an external SD card, look on the internal card.

  3. On your SD card, locate the folder call 'autonomic'.

  4. Inside that folder, you should find some files: mirage.log, mirage.log.1, mirage.log.2....mirage.log.6

  5. Using your file manager, create a zip file of this directory.

  6. Reply to this email with that zip file attached.

  7. Provide the SRX# (if you have one), a description of the problem and an approximate time when the issue occurred.