Flexport Configuration

Flexport Configuration

Getting Started

The two SPDIF ports available on Generation 2 M120e devices are configurable as outputs in a number of different ways. The following protocol commands should be sent over a telnet connection on port 17037

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Hardware/Software Requirements

Digital coax outputs on the M120e are only configurable on generation 2 or later M120e amplifiers. The digital coax outputs on generation 1 amplifiers will be labeled ‘Zone 1’ and ‘Zone 2’ rather than ‘Flexport A' and 'Flexport B’

Both flexports cannot be configured to follow the same zone or source

'This feature is only configurable through a telnet connection and is currently not supported by any control system driver or by Mirage Media Servers'


Command structure: <command><zone><data><data><data>

The digital output options are configured using the "Digital input/output options" command (17). The zone byte for this command will always be FF. The first and second data bytes are the amplifier’s ID. To determine an amp’s ID, see Determining an Amp's hex ID. The third byte of the data is 00 for flexport A and 01 for flexport B. The fourth byte of the data should be one of the following:

  • 00: Digital Output Source 1

  • 01: Digital Output Source 2

  • 02: Digital Output Amp Zone 1

  • 03: Digital Output Amp Zone 2

  • 04: Digital Output Amp Zone 3

  • 05: Digital Output Amp Zone 4

  • FF: Digital I/O Disabled


Some examples, assuming our amplifier's Amp ID is 1234:

17FF12340000 sets flexport A to be digital loop-out of source 1

17FF12340105 sets flexport B to be a digital mirror of zone 4


To set the flexports back to their default settings send the following commands, replacing 1234 with your amplifier's Amp ID:

17FF12340002 and 17FF12340103 to configure ports A and B to be digital mirrors of zones 1 and 2.




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