How to Update Amplifier Firmware (M800, M400 Amplifiers)

How to Update Amplifier Firmware (M800, M400 Amplifiers)

Use the following procedure to update the firmware on your Mirage Audio System amplifiers - M800, M400.  Your settings will NOT be erased.  Please leave your amps fully attached and connected.  

Requirement: A USB cable with a mini connector.  This is the same cable used by most external hard drives and digital cameras. It looks like this.

Download the firmware here:


Plug the amp into your PC. It should prompt you for drivers.

  1. If it does not, open the Start menu and proceed to step 2. If it does, skip to step 7.

  2. Right click on This PC or My Computer and select Manage.

  3. Wait for the window to open and load. Then select Device Manager.

  4. You'll see the amp listed with a yellow triangle indicating it does not have a driver.

  5. Right click on the amp and select Update Driver Software...

  6. Select Browse my computer for driver software and navigate to the directory you unzipped the download to. Select the Drivers folder and select Next.

  7. Launch the Firmware Utility in the ZIP file as Administrator. The amp model and current firmware will be listed at the bottom of the window. If the amp currently has a firmware less than 1.5, proceed to step 9. If it has 1.5 or higher, skip to step 12.

  8. When updating from firmware prior to 1.5 to 1.5, we have to upload a small part of the system firmware first. This is the AUTONOMIC_MODEL_1.5.fw file in the download. 

  9. Go to the Components tab. Direct the System Firmware field to where that file is located. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT MODEL.

  10. Uncheck all components except System Firmware.

  11. Click Update. The amp will take this incremental update and reboot. Please wait 5 minutes before proceeding.

  12. On the Image tab, direct the utility to the .img file for your amp model.

  13. Select Update. The utility will erase the current firmware and upload the new image. If an error occurs during this process, disconnect the USB cable and wait 5 minutes before trying again.

Once the amp is reboots after the image finishes uploading, you can browse to it over the network as always and verify it is on the proper firmware.