How to Setup the RTI Sample Program

Updated: 01/7/2014
Category: Mirage Media Server - Control Systems and Modules
Products: Mirage Media Servers  - RTI Sample Program 

RTI Sample Program Guide

The RTI module allows for full control over all models of the Mirage Media Server, providing two-way transport and browsing of all media available to the server.

What You'll Need

  • Any model of MMS (MMS-2, MMS-5, MMS-5A)

  • XP series RTI processor

  • Windows computer running RTI Integration Designer 9.1.2 or higher

  • An iPad running the RTiPanel app

  • An iPad license for the XP processor

Getting Started

Open the sample program (available at  Convert the XP-3 to the correct model processor if necessary. Switch out our iPad license for a valid license for the processor in use by opening File->System Properties->RTiPanel Tab and adding a valid license. Next, open the processor and navigate to the Drivers tab. Select the Mirage Media Server driver.

Driver Configuration Options

  • TCP Address - The IP of the MMS

  • TCP Port - The port on the MMS on which the driver shoul communicate. Unless port forwarding through a router, leave this at 5004

  • Set Instance on connection - Check this box to set the selected instance as soon as the server is connected. Uncheck to not set it on connection, allowing for programmatic instance selection as part of source selection on a whole home audio system

  • MMS Instance - The name of the instance on the server the driver should control initially. The driver supports changing instances once connected

  • Now Playing Art Dimensions - The size (height and width) of the cover art displayed in the now playing box. This should match the size of the dynamic graphic object placed on the panel.

Change the TCP address to the address of the MMS and select the instance on the MMS the program should control. The default names of the instances are hardcoded and will always work. An MMS will always respect the default names of its instances given that it is running at least firmware version 4.5. For the best experience, the MMS should run at least firmware version 5.0.14441.0.

The sample program uses the System Startup event to run the Communications->Connect driver command at startup.

At this point, upload the sample program to the processor. Open the RTiPanel app on the iPad and point it at the processor. The driver should automatically connect. It will display the currently playing item and allow for browsing.

Digging Into Functionality

Clearly, the sample layout includes a fullscreen keyboard and full screen popup message box. In order to dig into the sample program from an integration standpoint, those layers will have to be peeled away. We've included the objects for the keyboard and message box on separate pages so those on page 1 can simply be deleted if need be.

Functionality Highlights

  • Direct streaming service buttons - The service's button will light up when that service is currently streaming. It will always bring you to the root menu for that service.

  • Transport controls - Allows for skipping forward and back, toggling shuffle and repeat, pausing or playing, rating tracks, and seeking within the current track, all as allowed by the server

  • Discrete TuneBridge button

  • Browse list - Displays content available for playback.

External links