Calm Radio Setup Notes
Autonomic eSeries audio systems have the ability to support native playback of Calm Radio. The Mirage Media Server (MMS), Advanced Music Bridge (AMB-1), and Mirage OS 7.0+ is required to add this feature to the system.
eSeries Mirage Media Server (MMS) Music Streamers - Autonomic
Advanced Music Bridge (AMB-1) Advanced Music Bridge
Mirage OS 7.0 (or later firmware)
Calm Radio Free or Premium account
Setup Instructions
Start by adding the Advanced Music Bridge to the network, then upgrade your MMS to Mirage OS 7.0+. Click here for the Advanced Music Bridge Quick Start Guide for additional details.
After the MMS has updated to Mirage OS 7.0+ and restarts, add Calm Radio credentials under the Content tab on the MMS configuration page, give your account a nickname, and click “Add”
Click the “Gear” symbol next to Calm Radio
Contact Autonomic Technical Support with any troubleshooting or setup assistance at +1-914-598-1647, option 2 or click here to raise a support ticket.