Sync Tool Update ~ Current

Sync Tool Update ~ Current

Autonomic has recently updated our Media Sync Tool for Mac and Windows.  It can be downloaded from the following link:

OSX: http://updates.autonomic-controls.com/clients/syncapp/mirage/MacSync.dmg

Windows: http://updates.autonomic-controls.com/clients/syncapp/mirage/MediaSyncSetup.exe

Download the file, unzip and install it.  You will see a little blue cloud appear at the top right of the screen near the clock.  Click on this cloud and select "Show" to access the config tool's configuration.

If you are still running an earlier version of the sync tool where the configuration settings were accessed via the main System Preferences of the Mac, please follow this procedure to avoid possible song duplications:

In the main System Preferences of the Mac, go to the sync tool preferences and uncheck the box that says "Sync Content with this server".

  1. A pop-up box will appear that asks if you want to remove synced content from the server.  Click YES.

  2. Verify that the old sync tool is deactivated by going to the config page of the server (http://IP_Address/config), and look in the content tab.  Verify under "Contributing Computers" that there are no computers listed.  You can click the blue X next to a computer name if you need to remove it.

  3. Install and configure the new sync tool

Any future sync tool updates can simply be installed over top of the new sync tool.  No other procedures will be required.