Crestron Media Player

Crestron Media Player

Server Requirements

The server must be running at least version 4.5.x.x of our firmware. If assistance is required in updating the firmware, please contact our Technical Support team at +1-914-598-1647, option 2 or support@autonomic-controls.com.

Crestron Requirements

Device symbols for MMS-5A, MMS-2A, and MMS-1e are available in the Crestron database. For MMS-3e and MMS-5e integrations, use the MMS-5A symbol. Please make sure the Crestron database and any of its prerequisites are fully updated before proceeding.

Crestron Configuration

  1. Add either the appropriate device specific symbol to the program just like any other device.

  2. Extend the device module with an Ethernet Offline Manager.

  3. Extend the touch panel device module with a Media Player Application.

  4. Add one Media Object Router per touch panel.

    1. Each touch panel will make its own connection back to the server, so each touch panel needs its own router module.

  5. Connect the CRPC_FB serial outputs of the MMS module to the CRPC_From_Device_n serial inputs on the Media Object router on the touch panel.

  6. Similarly, connect the CRPC_To_Device_n serial outputs on the Object Router to the CRPC serial inputs on the MMS module.

  7. Of course, match the feedback and control signal per device. For example, the feedback and control signals for Main on the MMS5A module should be attached to the same device line on the Object Router.

  8. On the Object Router, attach the Offline signal from the MMS module’s EOM to each Device_n_is_Offline that has an in-use device for feedback and control at the top of the Router.

  9. Configure the rest of the Media Object Router normally.

  10. Take note of the IP-ID assigned to the MMS module, as it is necessary for the MMS configuration. Also, take note of which players you’ve configured on the MMS module, as both the selection of players and the position of the players selected are necessary for the MMS configuration.

  11. Compile and upload the program and the VTPro files to the processor and touch panels, respectively

MMS Configuration (eSeries)

  1. Visit the Control Systems tab of the MMS’s configuration (http://ipOfMMS/config/partners.html)

  2. The top control system listed is Crestron

  3. Per device, check the boxes for the outputs

  4. Per output, enter the processor IP address for the appropriate outputs

  5. Per output, select the appropriate IP-ID from the dropdown

  6. Once all settings are entered, press the large Save Changes button near the top of the page.


MMS Configuration (A Series)

  1. Once the server’s firmware is at least 4.5.x.x, navigate to the Source Settings tab on the server’s web configuration page (http://ipOfMMS/Config/Sources.aspx)

  2. In the section titled Control System, select Crestron Core 3 Smart Graphics™ from the dropdown menu.

  3. Once selected, options will appear per MMS output to allow configuration for Core3 control.

  4. Options are available per output so that each output can be controlled by a separate Crestron processor if need be.

  5. Using the checkbox in the Controlled column, select which outputs are in use by the Crestron system.

  6. Enter the processor IP address for the selected outputs.

  7. Enter the IP-ID that corresponds to the MMS module on the configured processor.

  8. Once all settings are entered, press the large Save Changes button near the top of the page.


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