MMS Beta Firmware Policy

MMS Beta Firmware Policy

Updated: 02/09/2015
Category: Mirage Media Server
Products: Mirage Media Servers

Autonomic does not typically distribute beta versions of our firmware publically.  

We may, from time to time, invite specific customers and partners to test unreleased software versions.   For example, a customer who has requested a specific feature or function which is not yet released may be invited to a private beta.

Parties who participate are always expected to provide feedback.  We collect email addresses for the purpose of collecting feedback and to advise participants of known issues, fixes and updates.

Beta software should NEVER be given to end users in a production environment. Beta releases are intended for evaluation only.

Support for beta software is done on a best effort basis.  Assistance is generally offered via email.  In most instances, a customer can opt-out of the beta program by reverting their firmware to the current production release.  Our support team can assist in this event.

If you are interested in more information about our beta program, or would like to participate in a current beta, please contact our sales team for assistance.

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