Adding BBC Radio Stations to an MMS

Adding BBC Radio Stations to an MMS

Although BBC Radio Stations are no longer available through TuneIn Radio in the United Kingdom, they can be added to an MMS manually using the following Method.

  1. Find your MMS configuration page by visiting http://ipOfMMS/config in your web browser or by navigating to setup.tunebridge.com

  2. Navigate to the Content Tab, find TuneIn Radio, and select the gear icon

  3. Select “Add Station”

  4. Enter the call sign for the BBC station in question

  5. When you are finished select “Add”

  6. Enjoy your Favorite BBC Radio Stations on your Mirage Media Server


If stations added with the above method adds stations that do not play, instead of using a Predefined station, select Custom and add a new station using the below information. As of 2023-09-29, the HLS URLs below match those in the feed provided to MMS.

Shoutcast Stream URL

As of 2023-06-16, the Shoutcast URLs are no longer functional. To continue using BBC in the UK, please update to the latest firmware and use the HLS URLs below. Requires at least 6.6.20230616.0 or 7.2.20230616.0 for system with an AMB.

HLS Stream URLs

As of 2023-09-29, the HLS URLs are included in MMS firmware without a firmware update. MMS firmware updates the local copy of the extra stations URL list every 24 hours. Rebooting an MMS will force that update. If previous versions of these stations are already configured, they will need to be removed and readded to consume the new URL. Any presets that consume such a station would have to be recreated.


Stream URL

Logo URL


Stream URL

Logo URL

BBC Radio 1



BBC Radio 2



BBC Radio 3



BBC Radio 4



BBC Radio 5 Live



BBC Radio 6 Music




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