Spotify Troubleshooting

Spotify Troubleshooting





Skipping Tracks randomly, No Playback


Spotify is letting me choose music,  but it is skipping songs randomly with no playback




When the password on your Spotify account changes, it may take up to 24 hours to reflect on the devices you have logged into your account. In the Content Tab of your MMS Config page, click the Trash Can Icon to delete the Spotify account, then re-add it to the MMS.


Playback keeps pausing randomly


Music is randomly pausing. I can play the music, but it will pause again sometimes.



When a single Spotify account is used on multiple devices or multiple players, only one device can play music at a time. All other streams will be paused and the most recently played stream will be preferred. To avoid this, make sure all other devices are signed out of the Spotify account or make sure that no other devices have the Spotify account logged in.


Cannot Authenticate Spotify Account


I cannot add my customer’s Spotify Credentials to the MMS



If you are logged into Spotify on the web browser you are using to configure the MMS, the authentication page will sometimes show the account you are logged into the webplayer with rather than the account you are logging into the MMS. Make sure you check the account name and select “(Not You?)” if it is the wrong account.


Playback drops randomly on a low bandwidth network

Problem: Audio drops out frequently, songs will not play all the way through, and the account is only logged in on this device.


Solution: In low bandwidth environments, Spotify may time out before the song can finish buffering. In this case, Telnet into your MMS through a telnet client on port 23, and run the command SetSpotifyBrowseAudioTimeout <arg>. The argument is in milliseconds. Minimum is 3000 milliseconds (3000), maximum is 10000 milliseconds.

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