Radio Time Support

Radio Time Support

What Radio Time stations are supported?

Updated: 11/22/2013
Category: Streaming Services
Products: Mirage Media Servers MMS-2, MMS-2A, MMS-5, MMS-5A 

The MMS supports playing almost all RadioTime stations. The exceptions are:

  • Stations that only support the RealPlayer format . There are fewer and fewer of these stations in the RadioTime directory as many of them have migrated to Windows Media format.

  • Stations that are contractually disallowed by the provider for playback on devices. The most popular example of this are the I HEART RADIO stations owned by Clear Channel Communications. This is a contractual issue between Clear Channel and RadioTime and will hopefully be resolved soon.

If you have questions regarding a specific station, please provide the station name and call sign and we’ll check into it for you.

The MMS does not provide direct control over RadioTime stations, however you can add a RadioTime channel to your user's favorites (via the actions menu). Once a RadioTime station has been added as a favorite, you can access it directly via our control protocol.

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