MMS-1e Extra Servers Appearing in System Page

MMS-1e Extra Servers Appearing in System Page


  1. System tab in the MMS-1e config page is slow to respond/ will not respond

  2. MMS-1e is not responsive to control system’

  3. MMS-1e is not communicating correctly with other Mirage servers or amps on the network



Because all Mirage servers default to a System ID of 1, servers that are tested together in the factory will automatically group together. If these servers are not removed from the system before taking them off the network an error may occur.

To clear this error, remove all offline servers from the System tab of the MMS Config page with the trash can icon and reboot the server. Alternatively, factory resetting the server by holding the reset button while plugging the server into power will also clear this issue.


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