Programmatically Using Presets with Crestron Smart Graphics

Programmatically Using Presets with Crestron Smart Graphics

There are 3 main ways to save and recall presets with the Crestron Smart Graphics using the Autonomic MMS device symbol:

  1. Using the MMS control protocol

When sending MMS protocol commands within the Autonomic MMS device symbol in Crestron, all protocol commands will need to be prefixed with MMSProtocol: followed by the protocol command and send via serial string to the *_config signal.

Please see KB article on storing and recalling presets  Programmatically using Presets

Storing and Recalling the same presets to the *_config signal in the Autonomic MMS Device Symbol would look like below:

  • MMSProtocol:StorePreset "Party Time"

    • This will save a Preset called Party Time

  • MMSProtocol:RecallPreset "Party Time"

    • This recalls the Preset by name

  • MMSProtocol:RecallPreset 9f9c8919-f939-d67a-dce2-cb049a4ead99

    • This recalls the Preset by unique ID

2. Using the Autonomic device symbol Serial signal  


To recall a preset using the *_Preset_Select_Text, you must first populate the *_Preset_Select_Text signal with only the preset name (a Serial I/O can be used for this). Once the name is populated, to recall the preset you need to pulse the digital signal *_Recall_Preset.

For example to recall the Party Time preset on Player A you would send "Party Time" to Player_A_Preset_Select_Text, then pulse the digital Player_A_Recall_Preset.

3. Using the Autonomic device symbol Analog signal  


To recall a preset using the *_Preset_Select, you must first populate the *_Preset_Select signal with a preset number. . Once the number is populated, to recall the preset you need to pulse the digital signal *_Recall_Preset. 

Presets can be stored in the same manner using the Store signals instead of the Recall. Music contented will be stored as a preset when *_Store_Preset  is pulsed while that content is currently playing.

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