MMS Reset button on Crestron

MMS Reset button on Crestron

This article explains how to create a reset button for the MMS in a Crestron environment.


You will need 4 items in Crestron: A Stepper, a Serial Send, a re-triggerable one shot, and a TCPIP client on port 23

(The number bullets explain the numbers in the image below)

  1. The Reboot signal is triggered by a button press on my XPanel. The signal then triggers a stepper which fires two signals Reboot_Hold and Reboot_Send

  2. The Reboot_Hold signal goes to a retriggerable one shot which holds/pulses the RebootConnect high for 10 seconds

  3. RebootConnect Signal goes to the connect signal in the TCPIP client and holds it high for 10 seconds.

  4. Reboot_Send, from the stepper, goes to a serial send. The serial text in the serial send is "Reboot\x0d\xoa" which is sent to the RebootCommand signal.

  5. The RebootCommand goes to transmit TX$ on a TCPIP client which is configured to connect on port 23. (Once it reaches step 5 the reboot should be initiated)

  6. The Reboot_FB goes back to the feedback side of my button press from bullet point 1.

 (The stepper delay and len values is what worked for me on my processor. Equipment dependant, these values may be different on another system)


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