MMS - Crestron - Search by title
All commands should be sent to the TX$ on the TCP/IP client for the module in question with the requisite CRLF or \x0D\x0A at the end of each command.
To search by track title, use the following sequence:
setmusicfilter clear
ClearMusicFilter Ok
setmusicfilter Search="*string*"
MusicFilter Ok
browsetitles 1 8
Where string is the search string. For example
setmusicfilter clear
ClearMusicFilter Ok
setmusicfilter Search="*icar*"
MusicFilter Ok
browsetitles 1 8
BeginTitles Total=1 Start=1 Alpha=0 Caption="Titles containing 'icar'"
Title {a73ab9c6-8747-2968-88b2-d6f71fb9d40b} "Vicarious" "00:07:06" 1 "Tool" "10,000 Days" -1 "" ""
EndTitles NoMore
An important note about all Browse-type commands is the syntax. For example, BrowseTitles takes two arguments as follows: BrowseTitles <start> <count> where <start> is the index at which you want to start browsing and <count> is how many. Once you have browsed to a category, scrolling will be handled automatically by the module. the <count> value should match what you have set for the List Item parameter value on the Crestron module. Therefore, realistically, you would almost always issue BrowseTitles 1 <count>.
To browse by letter:
Instead of specifying a list index to start browsing at, you can also specify a letter, as follows: BrowseTitles <letter> 8 where <letter> is any single alpha character. For example, BrowseTitles t 8.