How to Update your MMS eSeries - Firmware

How to Update your MMS eSeries - Firmware


Please open a new tab in your web browser and navigate to your, serverIP/config page.



If you are unable to locate the Severs IP Address, you can can always navigate to http://setup.tunebridge.com for quick access to server's config page.

Please click on ‘config’

Navigate towards the ‘Firmware’ tab




If there is an update available, select → ‘Update Firmware’

Depending on the current firmware and connection speed, it may take upwards of 5-10 minutes for the process to complete.

Dealers, you can always utilize dealerzone.autonomic-controls.com , navigate to ‘Device Manager’ and push updates remotely,

along with accessing your clients Server Config Page, sending log files and more!

Latest news with releases check out

Mirage OS 6.3 Firmware Release Now Available for eSeries Mirage Media Servers


If you need assistance on adding your units to your dealerzone account please send us an email!

Any issues or need assistance, please reach out to



you can call us direct @ (914)598-1647