MMS Recommended Bandwidth

MMS Recommended Bandwidth

We do not have published minimum bandwidth requirements as needs are different from customer to customer and service to service.  

For typical home networks (where high speed service is relatively cheap and available) 10-20Mbps is a fair target for the ENTIRE home.  So when Netflix is being watched, while an iPad streams Youtube, there is still some bandwidth left over for the MMS.  

A single stream of high quality music may require 384kbps.  2 to 5 times that if multiple streams are in use at the same time.  Add some overhead for metadata, album art, user searches, etc. and bandwidth needs start to approach the 3-5MB range as a good rule of thumb.   

Having said that, we have our product in low-bandwidth, high-latency situations (like a Yacht connected via satellite).  There are specific settings that can be tweaked to help the unit perform in these scenarios.  Also, router Quality of Service features can be considered to allocate available bandwidth to the MMS.

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