Music and Picture share directory

Music and Picture share directory

Updated: 11/22/2013
Category: Media
Products: Mirage Media Servers MMS-2, MMS-2A, MMS-5, MMS-5A 

Adding Music and Pictures through a Network Share.

Music and pictures can be added to the server manually through a network share.

This is the only way to add pictures to the server.

Music can also be added several other ways such as the Mirage Media Sync Tool or through a NAS drive, but both of these will reflect any changes made in those directories on the server. This method would be useful to a user who would like to add specific media to the server without having to maintain a directory containing the media.

Music or Pictures will remain in these directories and can be accessed or deleted at any time.

To access these shares from Windows

  • Open My Computer

  • In the address bar, enter \\ where you replace that IP address with that of your server (you can also use the name of the server, i.e. \\MIRAGE-1 or \\MMS-2)

  • Open either the Pictures or Music share.

  • Copy the content of your choice to the appropriate share as you would any other file.

To access these shares for Macintosh

  • From Finder, open the Go menu

  • Select Connect to Server....

  • In the server address field, enter smb:// where you replace that IP address with that of your server. You can use a name as with the Windows instructions, but I do recommend using the IP from Apple devices, as they seem to have some difficulty handling local DNS resolution

  • If prompted for credentials, please select the Guest option

  • Select the share you would like, and copy the content of your choice to the appropriate share as you would any other file.

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