International Support and Availability of Streaming Services

International Support and Availability of Streaming Services

Informational Bulletin

Date Issued:  3/20/2014

 Autonomic endeavors to bring a wide variety of the most popular music streaming services and content to people all around the world.  Currently, Autonomic products include support for Pandora, Rhapsody, Slacker, TuneIn, Last.FM, Sirius XM, Napster and Spotify. 

Providers may limit the availability of their services in certain parts of the world for a variety of reasons and by a variety of methods - including technical and non-technical methods.  This availability may change over time.

Autonomic does not assist, endorse or support attempts to circumvent safeguards or restrictions which may be in violation of local laws, Terms of Use or our agreements with service providers. 

Questions about current or planned availability of a specific service in a specific country should be directed to the service provider.